Welcome to Metaphysically Challenged

What does she mean metaphysically challenged? Does she think I'm an idiot or that I don't understand?

Not at all. I chose the name metaphysically challenged because I believe that we are always facing challenges and that we should always be challenging ourselves. Within these pages I hope you find items that help you to think, feel, and connect in new ways. I hope to that you will challenge me and others who visit here as I add more ability to interact with one another within this site.

Life is about the journey and it is a place to learn. We are always learning and always changing. Every person who comes into our realm of vision shares something new with us, we have only but to see, hear, or feel it. It's not always positive but even in the negative there are lessons to be learned and challenges to be overcome.

Metaphysically Challenged is a safe haven for people to share with each other those experiences. A place to find new knowledge and share knowledge you already possess.

I don't know everything that will eventually be included on this site. I'm starting with pieces of my own writing but eventually I would love to see others share their writings here as well. I hope to have resources here to help you expand your own knowledge and beyond that who knows. I expect this website will change and grow as WE do.

I believe everything happens for a reason. I have been drawn to create this place and I will allow it to change as it needs to. The energy here will flow as it is supposed to and speak to those who need it at any given time. Check back often as I expect things to change here frequently.




Stories by Tracy

A Walk With the Goddess

02/08/2010 11:47
    I awoke in a grove of tall standing trees. The clean beauty of the white Birch overtook my senses and for a moment and I was awestruck. As the fog of sleep began to wear off, I found myself wondering how and why I had come to be here. Here in this amazing wood with it’s feeling of...


What does Metaphysical mean?

Metaphysics investigates principles of reality transcending those of any particular science. Cosmology and ontology are traditional branches of metaphysics. It is concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world. More simply Metaphysical means beyond or greater than (meta) the physical realm.

Are there schools for Metaphysical training?

 Actually there are numerous schools out there and many more opening as more seekers appear. I have included a link in our links section to the University of Metaphysical Sciences, which is one that I particularly like, but do a google search and you'll find others out there.

Articles by Tracy

The pain of the loss of a child - by Tracy Seekins

03/06/2010 00:28
 This is an article about the fresh pain of the loss of a child written by a mother who lost her own 8 year old daughter in 2000... inspired by a friend who recently lost her own...

Drama Addiction

02/11/2010 07:27
  I’ve reached an age where I simply do not enjoy drama anymore. Does anyone ever really enjoy drama? Yes I believe they do. I think that human beings need a certain amount of drama to keep them...

Have you set up camp?

02/08/2010 12:24
Picture your spiritual growth like walking up or climbing up a mountain. This mountain is very large, immense even. This mountain has different types of terrains and many many paths which often even...
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Poetry by Tracy Seekins

Mental Unhealth

02/15/2011 02:39
  A Poem for those who are Struggling and/or Suffering Posted on February 14, 2011 by Tracy Seekins Mental...


02/08/2010 12:08
   The bitter cold bites at me In the darkest hour of the night I pray for warmth and shelter As my dreams go out of...


02/08/2010 10:10
God I am Mother, I am Father, I am known by many names. I am in the Earth, I am in the Sky, I do not play your games! You fight for...